Tuesday 1 March 2011

Ask Senators to vote against Bill C-389

Ask Senators to vote
against Bill C-389
促請參議員對Bill C-389
URGENT! A majority of MPs in the Parliament voted to "add gender identity and gender expression to the Canadian Human Rights Act and Criminal Code" (Bill C-389). Now it's up to the Senate to make final decision- vote to pass or defeat the Bill.

We need your immediate action to help defeat the Bill! Send a letter to the Senators in your province now, and tell them to consider, as responsible Senators, voting against Bill C389. Thank you!

緊急關頭! Bill C-389 (修訂加拿大人權法及刑事法例、加入'心理性別身份'及'心理性別表達')已在眾議院通過,現己呈參議院(Senate), 由參議員(Senators)進行終極表決。

但是, 您仍可改變結果 ! 只要您給參議員(Senators)知道,您對這議案感到不安,請他們投反對票,可仍有轉機,讓議案通過。謝謝!
紧急关头! Bill C-389 (修订加拿大人权法及刑事法例、加入'心理性別身份'及'心理性別表达') 已在众议院通过,现己呈参议院(Senate), 由参议员(Senators)进行终极表决。

但是, 您 仍可改变 结果 ! 只要您给参议员(Senators)知道,您对这议案感到不安,请他们投反对票, 可仍有转机,不让议案通过。谢谢!

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